Pronunciation Preferences Survey

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About you:

Thank you for helping with the survey. Your answers are anonymous, but we need some general information about you. You must answer all 4 questions in this section.

Sex: male female
  For the following questions, please give Town/city, Province/state/county, and Country
Where do you live now?
Where were you raised from ages 8 to 18?

What you say:

Please answer with what you say when you are among friends--not what you think you should say, and certainly not what you think other people think you should say. There are no right or wrong answers.

1. Does the ending of AVENUE sound like you or oo?

2. Does TUNE sound like choon, tyoon or toon?

3. Does NEWS sound like nyooze or nooze?

4. Does the u in LUBE sound like the oo in too, or the u in use?

5. Does DUNE sound like June, dyoon or doon?

6. Does the beginning of COUPON sound the same as cue, or coo?

7. Does the tu in STUDENT sound like chew, tyoo ("t"+"you"), or too?

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